Together We Learn, Together We Thrive: The GradeGuru Story

Feeling overwhelmed by Dutch textbooks and unreliable online resources? You’re not alone. Countless students, both Dutch and international, struggle with outdated materials and late-night cramming sessions.

a man sitting on a table

Bence: A Hungarian Swimming Against the Current

Bence, a Hungarian student at IBEB Erasmus University, arrived in the Netherlands eager to learn. But his economics textbooks felt like ancient scrolls. The English, though familiar, was layered with complex economic terms. Frustrated nights spent deciphering text replaced the joy of learning. He wasn’t alone. Many international students faced similar challenges.

Otto's Vision: Beyond Textbooks

Unlike Bence, Otto, a Dutch student at IBEB, navigated the English-language curriculum with ease. However, a different frustration brewed within him. As he explored online learning resources for his courses, Otto found them clunky and uninspiring. Dense text blocks dominated the screen, devoid of interactivity or engagement. This static approach failed to capture the dynamic nature of learning and felt like a one-size-fits-all solution for a diverse student body.

Otto envisioned a platform that was not only informative but also interactive and culturally inclusive. He witnessed Bence’s struggle, and countless others like him, their potential dampened by impersonal learning tools.

From Frustration to Inspiration:
A Shared Struggle Ignites Change

This wasn’t just Bence’s and Otto’s story. Countless Dutch and International students faced the same challenges. Outdated textbooks, unreliable online resources, and late-night cramming fueled by questionable instant noodles felt like the only options. But from frustration came inspiration. Fueled by countless cups of coffee and a shared desire to help others, Bence and Otto embarked on a mission: to empower Dutch university students across the nation.


Their journey wasn’t easy. Weekends were spent hunched over laptops, nights blurred into mornings as they researched, collaborated, and built. But amidst the exhaustion, a fire burned bright. Every message from a grateful student, every text thanking them for making exams less stressful, fueled their passion. And their vision extends far beyond IBEB or Rotterdam. They dream of a Netherlands where every student, regardless of university or programme, has access to high-quality, accessible study materials. They picture a future where late-night cramming sessions are replaced by confident preparation, where students focus on understanding, not just memorising.

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