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Managing Finances and Enjoying Dutch Cuisine as an International Student in the Netherlands

The Challenges of Being an International Student in the Netherlands

Studying abroad is an exciting adventure, but it can also come with its fair share of challenges. For international students in the Netherlands, one of the biggest hurdles to overcome is managing their studies, social life, and a tight budget. In this blog post, we will explore some money-saving tips and delicious Dutch eats that can help make the experience more enjoyable and affordable.

Money-Saving Tips for International Students

Living on a tight budget as a student is not uncommon, and it’s no different for international students in the Netherlands. Here are some practical tips to help you save money while studying abroad:

1. Set a Budget

Start by creating a monthly budget that includes all your expenses, such as rent, groceries, transportation, and leisure activities. This will give you a clear overview of your finances and help you identify areas where you can cut back.

2. Cook at Home

Eating out can quickly drain your wallet, so try to cook your meals at home as much as possible. Dutch supermarkets offer a wide range of affordable ingredients, allowing you to prepare delicious and nutritious meals without breaking the bank. Look for local markets for even more affordable options.

3. Share Expenses

If you’re living in a shared apartment or house, consider splitting the cost of groceries and household items with your roommates. This can help reduce your individual expenses and create a sense of community among your housemates.

4. Take Advantage of Student Discounts

The Netherlands is known for its student-friendly discounts. Make sure to always carry your student ID card, as it can grant you reduced prices on public transportation, museums, cinemas, and various other activities. Don’t be afraid to ask if a discount is available, as many places offer special rates for students.

5. Use Bicycles for Transportation

The Netherlands is famous for its cycling culture, and it’s also an excellent way to save money on transportation. Consider investing in a second-hand bicycle or renting one for the duration of your stay. Not only will it save you money, but it’s also a great way to explore the city and stay active.

Delicious Dutch Eats on a Budget

Exploring the local cuisine is an essential part of any study abroad experience. Here are some delicious Dutch eats that won’t break the bank:

1. Stroopwafels

No visit to the Netherlands would be complete without trying stroopwafels. These sweet treats consist of two thin waffles sandwiched together with a caramel-like syrup. You can find them in most supermarkets and local markets at an affordable price.

2. Bitterballen

Bitterballen is a popular Dutch snack that can be found in many bars and cafes. These deep-fried meatballs are typically served with mustard and make for a tasty and budget-friendly treat.

3. Haring

For the more adventurous eaters, haring is a must-try Dutch delicacy. This raw herring is typically served with onions and pickles and can be found at street stalls and fish markets. It’s a unique and affordable experience that will give you a taste of local culture.

4. Fries with Mayo

Dutch fries, or “patat,” are a beloved street food in the Netherlands. They are typically served in a cone and topped with mayonnaise, although you can add other sauces or toppings to your liking. This delicious and filling snack is perfect for a quick and budget-friendly meal.

5. Indonesian Cuisine

The Netherlands has a rich history of Indonesian influence, and Indonesian cuisine is widely available throughout the country. Look for “rijsttafel” restaurants that offer a variety of small dishes, allowing you to sample different flavours without breaking the bank.

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